29 Dec '24: A year of questions, a future decided

Mostly oil paintings and linocuts, but creativity isn't fussy

Being creative is a messy, unruly business, and not just when the brushes are out

The messy part of creativity is the bit you can see: paint on hands, faces, floors, brand new jumpers. It's always the one brand new jumper you forgot to change out of, never any of the old ones all with holes in the elbows. Sigh.

The 'unruly' part is less visible. Creativity's a brat, it doesn't give too hoots for being 'consistent' and sticking to one thing on repeat. Creativity wants to go exploring, trying new and different… especially art mediums.

The potential marks, textures, colours, and effects offered by different mediums such as paint, charcoal, ink, and sheep dung, are just too much excitement for creativity to pass on.

I've never worked with sheep dung I have to say, though the sculptor and land artist, Andy Goldsworthy, has (and he's not the only one I understand).

Below is a list of media I have worked with that can be found in the collections on this website.