29 Dec '24: A year of questions, a future decided

Art & Illustration Commissions

I will require a phone number – this is very important

Email is not 100% reliable, and a quick text to say "I've just sent an email, let me know if you've not got it" will save a great deal of heartache. It may only be necessary in the early stages to establish emails are getting through.

I deliver on my promises

I am a professional. This means that if I promise to produce something for a deadline, then I will do whatever I need to do, to meet that deadline.

I never arbitrarily change my mind about doing work once I've committed to it.

In the unlikely event that something awful happens, and I'm not able to deliver, then I am communicative and tell my clients about the problem as soon as I know of it. I've never needed to do this, but be assured, it's the way I operate.

Initial ideas

I'm generous here, and produce many ideas so a full discussion can take place early in a project. This is so clients feel confident about their decisions, and clear about what to expect.


I'm in the process of adding information here, apologies that it's incomplete at the moment. This is a new page.